Friday, January 26, 2007

Ahoy there !!

What could a Pirate possibly have to blog about, you wonder ... Could he possibly be keeping a Journal of his nefarious activities? Or does said Pirate have a hidden soul and is seeking a non-violent outlet?

Truth is - I've always wanted to be a Pirate !!
Ever since I was a kid, I'd play make-believe [I spent a solitary childhood till my siblings came along 7 years later, and when they were kids, i outgrew them !] and I'd welcome guests behind my Cardboard fortress [6 feet high, surrounding my Study table] with a gun-port in between that would welcome any unwanted visitors [Those Rubber pellets hurt !!]

Costume parties, Halloween, Overnight camps - The Pirate made his presence felt !!

One day, during this 'What do you wanna be when you grow up' classes, I proudly announced that I would become a Pirate and my teacher had me meet the school psychologist :) Not like he could give me any pointers or arrange for a internship, all he did was waste my time!
Anyway, I looked up the Internet and I pirated some of the research that I came across that I'd like to share with you :
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The Pirate is an oft misunderstood individual who can be seen pawning everyone around him/her. Well versed in the arts of cheekiness, deceit, extortion(sp), theft, blackmail, smarmery and crazy acrobatic sword and or knife fighting. The pirate always lands on his feet, and always wins, even when you think not. Naturally hates the Ninja, as ninjas are overated far too serious for their own good.
Ninja: Ha! i have found you! now i shall avenge my family's honor!
Pirate: Psshh. piss off fuckface. yer mum liked it.
Ninja: How dare you! Devil! now you DIE!!
Pirate: Well, you are a sensitive boy aren't you? [proceeds to taunt Ninja until Ninja rushes forward in a rage and trips - Pirate, without hesitating, takes his shoes and his wallet ]
Ninja: I will find you.....
Pirate: Bring yer sister. [walks away whistling]
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a] One who drinks rum, get angry, and stab things.
"Yeah, he got mad, grabbed a large kitchen knife and killed those stuffed animals."

b] A sailing criminal who, sails on a ship, steals from other ships, lives without any law
:only a set of morals, survives on goods stolen from other ships/ports.
See such movies as Hook, Peter Pan, or Pirates of the Caribbean.

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a] Arch rival of the ninja.
Pirates are way cooler than ninjas.
b] Devotee of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
You must wear full Pirate regalia to worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster properly.

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to download illegally, usually music or movies
Alfred: i downloaded the new Incubus CD last night for free
Chris: um you know it's illegal to pirate music, right?
Alfred: shhhh!

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And lastly, I decide to compile a list of what comes to mind when you think of PIRATE
Always lands on his feet !
Has cool eye patches ... even if he has both eyes !
Has dice in a pocket somewhere !!
Has better swords than a Ninja !
Has cool ships !
Have a lot of movies about them (Way more than Ninjas)
Wears red on Thursdays !
Say things like Scally-wagger and Scurvy-chap
Has an excellent collection of Rum!
Has pretty cool boots :)
Packs a mean punch !
Doesn't go crying to his Mommy ... like Ninjas !
Start all the major fashion trends !
Has an extended vocabulary compared to a Ninja ..
Knows how to handle a lady !
Will make you walk the plank if you're not as cool as them !
Has pretty good cursive writing !
And curse pretty well too !!
Arrrrr! Need i say more ?

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So you had a few laughs and you wondered where the other rubbish came from !!
Well, this post is titled Ramblings of a Pirate !!
Welcome aboard !!